Monday, January 10, 2022

Unvaccinated National Guard Can't Be Deployed To Hospitals That Need Help

Ohio's Hospitals have some of the Nation's Highest numbers of COVID Patients, and with Staffing levels suffering, nearly 2,000 Ohio National Guard personnel are being Deployed to help. But it turns out Not All Ohio Guard members are available for that Mission.

The Pentagon has set a June 30 COVID Vaccination Deadline for all National Guard members. And though some Ohio Hospitals have Suspended COVID Vaccine requirements for their own employees, Guard Personnel must have those Shots to be Deployed on Hospital Missions.

But the Ohio Army National Guard's Vaccination rate is just 56%. That means nearly Half of Guard Members aren't available. Ohio National Guard Adjutant General, Major General John Harris Jr. says that's Problematic.

The Vaccination rate among the Ohio Air National Guard is around 93%, but their Vaccination Deadline was November 2021, - not this coming June. Harris has moved up the Vaccine Deadline for his Troops to March 31, but he won't Criticize those who are waiting.

While Ohio's Governor Mike DeWine (R) opposes Mandates, he's also been a strong Supporter of COVID Vaccines. DeWine says he's frustrated with the Number of Unvaccinated Guard Troops.

Some of our testing places - 40- to 45% of the people are testing positive, so this is a high-risk operation. You need to be protected. The best way for you to be protected is to get the vaccinations. So look, we're not happy with where we are. We're going to continue to push that with our troops.

The 56% Vaccination Rate, for the Ohio Army National Guard, is just below the State's Vaccination rate of 59%. And it's Lower still than the National Guard's National average of just over 61%.

John Goheen, with the National Guard Association of the U.S., says he isn't sure why the Vaccination Rate here remains so Low. But he's confident that will change.

In the Military, you have to do it. The Department of Defense has issued a Deadline. Our Soldiers, including our Part-Time Soldiers have until then, and some of them are just going to wait close to the Deadline. That's human nature.

In the meantime, DeWine says there's so much uncertainty with the Surge that he hasn't decided, if or when he'll try to deploy more Guard Personnel.

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