On Monday, the New Jersey Assembly passed the Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, which is a Bill that Codifies Abortion into New Jersey State Law. It now awaits Gov. Murphy’s (D) signature.
Though the fate of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court Decision which allows Abortions, has recently been called into question, some States are pushing to ensure Abortion Services remain Accessible, including New Jersey.
The Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, was originally introduced in 2020, as the Reproductive Freedom Act, but has since been scaled back.
A key Difference in this Version of the Bill, is that Insurance Companies will Not be required to Cover Aboriton Procedures.
The Bill would also allow for Non-Physician Healthcare Providers to perform Abortion Procedures, and Open the door for the State to look into the need for Insurance Coverage for Abortions, and the possibility of writing Regulations to provide it.
The Bill was introduced last week, by Senate Majority Leader, Loretta Weinberg (D-37th District), outgoing Senate President, Stephen Sweeny (D-3 District), and Senator Linda Greenstein (D-14th District), and passed.
Monday is the Last Full day of the current New Jersey Legislative Session.

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