For the Jan. 6, 2021, Rally, the Rally Permit, took multiple attempts to get it Accepted. The Final Permit states these Conditions:
- No March was allowed.
- Individuals could go to the Capital.
- After the Electorial Congress Completed the Vote.
When Trump told the Crowd to go to the Capital, was he Directing Others to do an illegal Act?, and what's the Crimes?
First, he told the Rally Participants to Commit a Crime, by Marching to the Capital, before the Vote was Completed and as a Large Group.
Section 76 B (1) of the Penal Code Act states: That any Person who Incites, any Person to do an Act of Violence against any Person, by reason of his Race, Place of his Origin, Political Opinion, Colour, Creed, Sex, or Office, commits an Offence and shall be liable on Conviction, to Imprisonment, for a term Not exceeding Fourteen years.
Act of Violence means an Incident consisting of: a Riot, a Brawl, or a Disturbance, in which Bodily Injuries are Sustained by any Person, and such Injuries would be obvious to a Reasonable Person, or Tumultuous Conduct of sufficient Intensity as to Require, the Intervention of a Peace Officer to Restore Normal Order, or an Incident in which a Weapon is Brandished, Displayed, or Used.
In Civilian terms, if All you do is tell someone to Commit a Crime, and they do Nothing, that is not a Criminal Offense.
If either of you make any other Steps toward the Commission of the Crime, then you are Both Quilty of Conspiracy to Commit whatever Crime was Ordered or Planned.
Performing Surveillance, getting Blueprints, or really any Act in furtherance of the Underlying Crime, would be Sufficient to support a Charge of Conspiracy on All Parties involved, and perhaps even Attempt, depending on the Exact Facts, and where precisely they Stopped the Plan, which in this case, the Event took place.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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