A Bill moving through Florida's Legislature, backed by a powerful Utility company, would slash the Financial Benefits of Rooftop Solar Panels.
Opponents of the Legislation including: Environmental Groups, Solar Builders, and the State NAACP, say if it passes, a fast-growing Green Power Iindustry would be turned off overnight, casting a dark Cloud over Solar's prospects in the Sunshine State.
It will be a Crusher for the Solar Industry, with Lay-Offs of many in the Workforce, that will cause a significant Blow to their Pocketbooks.
Lawmakers across the Country are weighing the Future of Residential Solar as the Industry enters the next Phase of its Growth. The promise of Energy Independence, a Cleaner Power Source, and Lower Electric Bills has attracted, Tens of Thousands of Customers to Solar. But, its rise in Popularity has threatened the Business Model of Traditional Utilities, which for Decades relied on Customers that had No Alternatives to their neighborhood Electric company.
So now, some Utilities are pushing back. The implications of the Fight are acutely felt in Florida, where Sunshine is an abundant Commodity and Residents face an Existential Crisis from Climate Change.
Solar industry Insiders say the Bill that Florida's Lawmakers are considering, would make it One of the least welcoming States to Residential Solar in the Country and would Eliminate Thousands of Skilled Construction Jobs.
"It would mean that we would have to close our business here in the state of Florida and pivot to another state," Stephanie Provost, Chief Marketing Officer for Vision Solar, told Lawmakers at a recent Committee Hearing.
At the center of the Debate is the amount Solar-powered Homes are Reimbursed for the Excess Energy their Panels pump back into the Grid. It's an arrangement known as Net-Metering, and it's the Law in about 40 States. Some Customers generate enough Power to Lower their Utility Bills to Zero.
Like many States, Florida Homeowners are Reimbursed at roughly the same Rate Power Companies Charge their Customers, usually in the form of a Credit on their Monthly Bill.
Sen. Jennifer Bradley (R-5th District), Represents parts of North Florida, has introduced Legislation that could Cut that Rate by about 75% and Open the Door to Electric Companies charging Solar Customers Monthly Minimum Fees. Bradley contended that the existing Rate Structure, created in 2008, was intended to help Jump-Start Rooftop Solar in Florida. She told a Senate Committee that Non-Solar Homes are now Subsidizing an Industry that is "mature, with many competitors, large publicly traded companies, and substantially reduced prices."
But, despite its recent Growth, Solar's foothold in Florida lags behind many States. About 90,000 Households are Solar-Powered, which is 1% of All Electric Customers in the State, and that ranks 21st in the Country in Solar Residential systems per capita, according to an Industry Analysis from the Solar Energy Industries Association, the National Trade Organization for Solar Energy Builders.
In comparison, California, where Regulators are also considering Utility-backed Changes to its Net-Metering Policy, has 1.3 Million Customers fitted with Solar Panels.
Advocates of Rooftop Solar in Florida see a familiar Foe behind the Legislation: Florida Power & Light, the State's Largest Electric Utility and One of the most Prolific Political Donors in the State.
A Draft version of the Bill Bradley introduced, was delivered to her by a Florida Power & Light Lobbyist on October 18, 2021, according to emails first reported by, the Miami Herald and the Energy and Policy Institute, a Watchdog Organization that targets Fossil Fuel and Utility Interests.
Two days later, Florida Power & Light's Parent company, NextEra Energy, made a $10,000 Donation to Women Building the Future, a Political Committee affiliated with Bradley, according to State Campaign Finance records. The Committee received another $10,000 Contribution from NextEra in December, 2021, those records show.
Bradley said she filed the Bill because "I believe it is good for my constituents and the state. Requiring utilities to buy electricity at the same rate they sell it is, not surprisingly, a poor model that results in solar customers not paying their equitable share to support the operation and maintenance of the electric grid that they use and which utilities are legally required to provide," she said in the statement.
Ahead of this year's Legislative fight, Florida Power & Light and NextEra, donated $3 Million to Political Campaigns and Committees. They have given to both Parties, but mostly to Republicans and GOP-aligned groups. Republicans have Majority Control of the Florida House and Senate. The Bill passed a Senate Committee, earlier this month, on a 6-2 vote.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who ran on a promise to "drain the Tallahassee swamp" of Special Interests, has Not publicly taken a side. DeSantis Spokeswoman Christina Pushaw said, the Governor was aware of the Net-Metering Legislation but did Not have a comment. Florida Power & Light and NextEra have Donated a combined $42,000 to DeSantis since he took Office, including a $12,000 Donation in December, 2021, according to State Campaign Finance records. "Like all legislation, we will be monitoring them as they move through the process," Pushaw said.
Chris McGrath, a spokesman for Florida Power & Light, acknowledged the Company has worked with Lawmakers on the Legislation. "Since every aspect of our business is impacted by policy decisions at every level of government, it's important for us to be involved and be a leader in issues that affect our customers, our employees and our company," McGrath said.
In Florida, where Sunshine is bountiful, Solar was slow to catch on, frustrating Environmentalists who see it as a Key Tool in the Battle against Climate Change. Wealthy, Earth-friendly Floridians, once made up the bulk of the Market for Solar Power. But drive through many Florida neighborhoods these days, and you'll find Solar Panels on the pitched roofs of modest Middle-Class Houses. Households with Income less than $100,000 now make up about Half of the Solar Market, according to a 2021 U.S. Department of Energy Analysis. In Florida, the median Income of Solar-Powered Homeowners fell by 11% in the Last Decade.
Falling Production Costs and increased Competition have certainly contributed to this Trend. But Advocates say Net-Metering has also made Solar Affordable to the average Homeowner. The upfront price tag of equipment puts Solar out of reach for most Single-Family Homes, averaging $19,000 not including Roof Improvements, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. But Homeowners can Finance or Lease Solar Panels over 15 to 25 years based on the expected Savings on their Energy Bills from Net-Metering, and in some cases Government Subsidies.
The proposed Legislation "will cost thousands of Floridians ... their ability to recover their investment in rooftop solar," said Dave Cullen, President of the Sierra Club Florida.
Florida Power & Light says Solar Customers cost its 5.5 Million Non-Solar Customers $30 million a year, or about 50 cents a month, and the amount will nearly Triple by 2025, and continue to grow as Solar's Popularity spreads.
Solar Advocates say that figure doesn't Account for the Benefits of Rooftop Solar, such as lessening the Demand on Utilities to build Expensive New Plants, the costs of which are often passed along to Ratepayers. They also note that Taxpayers have for Decades Subsidized the Fossil Fuel industry.
"We believe anyone should have the right and ability to put solar on their roof if they choose to, but we do not believe everyone should be forced to pay for that decision," McGrath, the FP&L spokesman, said.
At a Committee Hearing for the Bill, Bradley called Net-Metering a "regressive policy" that benefits the well-off at the Expense of People who can't afford Solar.
In an Op-Ed, Lewis Jennings, the Environmental & Climate Justice Chair for the NAACP Florida State Conference, said Rate Increases pushed by Utility Companies, not Solar-Powered Homes, are "felt by poor communities, where too many residents already live without consistent access to electricity."

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