President Biden intends to Nominate, Election Law Attorney Dara Lindenbaum (D), to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the Regulatory Agency tasked with Enforcing U.S. Campaign Finance Law.
Lindenbaum is a Lawyer in Washington, D.C., where she has Counseled Clients on complying with State and Federal Campaign Finance Laws, and Represented them before the FEC.
Her Nomination as One of the FEC’s Six Commissioners, comes after Biden and Congressional Democrats, Failed to Pass Voting Rights Legislation, amid Republican, and Two Democrats, Opposition.
The Legislation would have Strengthened the FEC’s Enforcement Powers.
By Law, no more than Three FEC Commissioners can represent the same Political Party, and at least Four Votes are required for any Official FEC action. This Structure was created to encourage Nonpartisan Decisions.
Commissioners serve in staggered Six-year Terms; Two Seats are subject to Appointment every Two years. The Chair of the Commission changes every year, with No Member serving more than Once per Term.
Lindenbaum replaces Vice Chair Steven Walther (I), who was generally seen as Aligned with the FEC’s Two Democrats.
The other Three Commissioners are Republicans, meaning Lindenbaum’s Appointment Only maintains the FEC’s 3-3 Split.
Commissioners are appointed by the President and Confirmed by the Senate.
The Commission Meets in Closed Sessions to discuss matters that, by Law, must remain Confidential, and in Public to formulate Policy, and Vote on Legal and Administrative, matters.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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