Friday, December 17, 2021

TX Starts Building Border Wall

Texas starts Building a Partial Border Wall, using State Money, and Trump's Contractor.

Now working under the auspices of Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) the very same group is pressing on with Plans to Construct a Wall across Sections of the Mexican Border that remain Unbuilt.

On December 16, the First Wall Panels were Erected in Starr County, with more to follow over the coming months.

“These are the first panels in what will be a 1.7-mile stretch designed to help fill gaps where there is no federal wall. More projects planned. Governor Abbott will be at the construction site tomorrow to hold 12pm ET announcement/details,”.

The Wall is seemingly Stage Two of Governor Abbott’s so called ‘Operation Lone Star’, which was established back in March in response to an apparent Migrant Surge.

However, Civil Rights Groups have been highly Critical of the Operation, alleging that it is Discriminatory, and is fanning the flames of Anti-Migrant sentiment in the State.

The $2 Billion Program was Approved by Texas Lawmakers, with Abbott claiming that the High Number of Migrants, crossing the Border into the U.S. poses a Security Threat to the Ttate.

“This rhetoric has deadly consequences,” said Laura Peña, Legal Director of the Racial and Economic Justice Program at the Texas Civil Rights Project, citing the 2019 El Paso Massacre, in which a Shooter Targeted Latinos.

Plans for the Texan-Funded Border Wall were Approved back in June. $250 Million was Pledged for the Wall, which will span Hundreds-of-Miles, according to Abbott.

It remains to be seen whether Abbott will be able to follow through on the Pledge, as similar Assurances from Trump ended up being hollow.

In all, 458 miles of “barrier system” were added during the Trump Administration, 85 miles in New Locations, and 373 Miles of Updates.

Trump said he had made the Border “virtually impenetrable” but, like the Wall, this claim has Holes.

A Section in Texas, which cost $27 Million per mile, was reportedly Breached by $5 Handmade Ladders, in April, 2020.

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