Monday, December 6, 2021

How Petition Blocking Works

Here’s a quick Dive into the World of Ballot Measures.

In 2022, Voters will Decide Not only Thousands of Federal, State, and Local Races, but also a raft of Ballot Measures.

So far, 63 Statewide Ballot Measures have been Certified in 30 States for the 2022 Ballots.

That Number doesn’t, however, include the Hundreds of Potential Measures that could still end up on the Ballot.

With all this activity, lets Review the Concept of Petition Blocking.

Petition Blocking refers to Organized Efforts to Prevent Citizen-Initiated Measures or Candidates from Collecting Sufficient Signatures to meet Ballot Access Requirements.

This can take Several Forms, including:

- Physical Blockages

- Financial Incentives

- Legal Complaints and Lawsuits

- Administrative Actions

Here’s a Recent instance of Petition Blocking:

On Nov. 29th: The Seminole Tribe of Florida is paying Petition Gathering Firms to Not Work in Florida during the 2022 Midterms, as part of an effort to Block Rival proposed Gaming Constitutional Amendments, a Strategy that also includes Running a Separate Informal Signature gathering Operation and Hiring Workers that Interfere with other Petition Gatherers.

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