President Biden announced his Nominees for the US Postal Service Board of Governors, to Replace outgoing Governors, Ron Bloom and John Barger.
Current Board Chairman Ron Bloom, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s Greatest Champion, will Not be returning when his Term is up on Dec. 8th.
Biden is Nominating Daniel Tangherlini (D), the Former Administrator of the General Services Administration (GSA) in the Obama Administration, to replace Bloom.
Derek Kan (R), former Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), would replace John M. Barge (R).
The Board is made up of Nine Members, and is Bipartisan. There are Four Democrats, Four Republicans, and One Independent. Biden will have Appointed Five Members, once these Nominations are Confirmed.
“The USPS serves hundreds of millions of Americans across the nation every day. President Biden is committed to supporting USPS workers so that they can continue delivering for their fellow Americans, particularly those in rural communities, veterans, and older Americans who rely so heavily on the Postal Service. President Biden is also committed to strengthening and modernizing this critical public institution and its services to ensure it continues serving the American people for decades to come,” the White House wrote in the Statement announcing the Nominations.
Tangherlini, the White House said in making the Announcement, “Served in leadership roles in the public, non-profit and private sectors. His interest is in bringing increased equity and efficiency to business, philanthropy, and government through the thoughtful application of technology, process, and systems reform.” In addition to his time at the Head of GSA, he served as “Chief Financial Officer at the Department of the Treasury; as City Administrator and Deputy Mayor of Washington, D.C. under Mayor Fenty and Interim General Manager of DC’s Metro. The First Director of the D.C. Department of Transportation; the CFO of the DC Metropolitan Police Department; and various roles in the Federal Government at the U.S. Department of Transportation and the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.”
Kan is currently an Executive at Deliverr, an E-Commerce Fulfillment Startup. He’s also served as an Executive for Lyft, and was a Director of the Amtrak Board, Nominated by President Obama. He also served as a Policy Adviser to Mitch McConnell when he was Majority Leader in the Senate, along with a revolving set of Executive Offices under Trump, including as Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy in the U.S. Department of Transportation, under then-Secretary Elaine Chao, who is also McConnell’s Spouse.
Seems like the Administration found the most McConnell-Friendly Nominee possible.
Bloom as recently as last week, told Confidants he expected to be Renominated. At their November 10 Meeting, the Trump-appointed Majority on the Board Voted to keep Bloom as Chair, over the Objections of the Democrats on the Board. That Vote of Confidence from Trumpsters clearly wasn’t enough to sway Biden.
The Board of Governors, which will have a Majority of Biden Nominees, once these Confirmations are done, has the Power to Remove DeJoy, they’re the Only ones that can do it, and now Two of DeJoy’s Biggest Boosters will be gone.
The White House has made it clear that they’re Not Happy with DeJoy, with White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, saying back in February, “I think we can all agree, most Americans would agree, that the Postal Service needs leadership that can and will do a better job.”

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