Sunday, October 10, 2021

NY Gov. Signs Legislation Protecting Immigrants From Being Intimidated Or Blackmailed Over Legal Status

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D), signed Legislation (S.343-A/A.3412-A), making it Illegal to use a Person’s Immigration Status against them.

Threats to Report a Person’s Immigration Status, could previously be treated as a Crime in Cases of Labor and Sex Trafficking, but they weren’t treated as potential Extortion or Coercion Offenses.

The Bill now Allows Prosecutors to Charge Individuals with a Crime, if they Blackmail or Intimidate others, based on their Legal Status in Situations unrelated to Labor or Sex Trafficking.

Similar Measures have been Enacted in: California, Colorado, Maryland, and Virginia.

"New York is built on the hard work and determination of generations of immigrants, and we need to support people who are trying to build better lives for themselves and their families," Governor Hochul said. "This legislation will protect New Yorkers from bad actors who use extortion or coercion due to their immigration status, and make our state safer against vile threats and intimidation."

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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