Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Independent Voting 20th Annual Anti-Corruption Awards

Hey, I want to invite you to a really interesting virtual event that I’m attending, on Monday, October 25th at 6pm ET.

It’s being hosted by Independent Voting, a Group I’m a part of.

They’re the largest organization of independent voters in the country.

You’ll get to meet some of the leaders and activists like myself who are giving voice to the 45% of Americans who refuse to define ourselves through the political parties.

I’m excited about this, I think the independent movement is doing really important things. We need it. Things are bad. We need to change the political process. That’s why so many of us are independent.

The event is free and it’s only an hour. They’ll be giving awards to some major figures in the movement And you’ll get to see what Independent Voting is doing to change the status quo.

I received my award in 2008.

So, will you come and check it out?

CLICK HERE for Facebook page.

CLICK HERE to Register.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker


Anonymous said...

When you say Independent Voting is the largest organization of independent voters in the nation, what are you basing that on?

mhdrucker said...

As a member since 2001, and a NY elected offical for 12 years for the party, its size of US membership. It is made up of individuals and other statewide groups.

Anonymous said...

So how large is it?

mhdrucker said...

Check it out: https://independentvoting.org/