The Private Company responsible for the Arizona Audit is now in "breach of contract" for Not sending Audit-related Documents to the State, according to the President of the Arizona Senate.
Arizona State Senate President, Karen Fann (R-1st District), sent a Letter to Cyber Ninjas CEO, Doug Loga,n on Sept. 14th, instructing him to Submit All Audit-related Records to the State, which would comply with a Court Order. However, when he only submitted 300 Records, she sent an additional Letter Tuesday, notifying him of the Breach of Contract.
"Accordingly, Cyber Ninjas' inadequate response to my September 14 request places it in material breach of the (contract) as construed by the court," the Letter read. "The Senate reserves its rights to pursue any and every applicable claim or reemit to enforce the agreement's provisions."
Left-leaning Watchdog, American Oversight, has been pressing the State Senate and Cyber Ninjas, for increased Transparency for months, Winning a Lawsuit in August, in which Maricopa County Superior Court Judge, Michael Kemp, Ruled the State Senate must Reveal All Communications between the Two.
"Senate defendants cannot publicly release numerous public statements about the audit, release a comprehensive report about the audit, and then refuse to disclose documents and communications that are central and integral to the findings and conclusions of that report," Kemp said.
Fann said Wednesday, her Second Letter to Cyber Ninjas was an effort to Comply with Kemp's Ruling, stating the Senate does Not have Access to All the Records.
"We're between a rock and a hard place," she said. "We have a judge that's done a ruling that's demanding papers to be turned over that I don't even have, and then, on the second piece, he is demanding these documents between two private companies. And so, is that OK too?"
It is Not clear what Repercussions the Company or the State Senate, could face if they Fail to Produce the Documents in Question.
Following a Monthslong Audit, the State Senate announced on Sept. 24th, the Hand Recount Added a handful of Votes to President Biden's Victory over Trump, in Arizona's populous Maricopa County. Fann nevertheless Referred the Findings to the State's Attorney General, citing "urgent issues" that suggested "less-than-perfect adherence to Arizona's standards and best practices."
Alleging Irregularities, the Trump Campaign filed several Lawsuits in the wake of the 2020 Election, most of which were tossed by Federal Courts.
Several Recounts and Audits turned up No Evidence of Widespread Voter Fraud, and Election Officials have assured the Votes were secure.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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