Saturday, September 25, 2021

AZ Election Review Recommends Procedure Changes Already Used In 2020 Election

The Arizona's 2020 Presidential Election Review, includes Two Election Procedure Recommendations that were Already in place during the 2020 General Election. The Audit Team recommended that the State should have Paper Ballot Backups and that Voting Machines should Not be Connected to the Internet.

However, both of these Procedures are already in Place across Arizona; the State Ballots are Paper, and the Voting Machines are Only used to Tabulate the Vote and are Not connected to the Internet.

Maricopa County Officials said the Report is "littered with errors & faulty conclusions about how Maricopa County conducted the 2020 General Election." The Report Hand Counted All 2.1 Million Ballots in Maricopa County, home to Phoenix. The Tally showed a Net Gain of 360 Votes for Biden over the Official Results

Two previous Election Reviews conducted by Nonpartisan Professionals, according to Industry Standards, also found that Biden Won both Reviews.

"This was an audit in which they absolutely cooked the procedures," said Ben Ginsberg, a Prominent Republican Election Attorney. "This was Donald Trump's best chance to prove his case of the election being rigged and fraudulent and they failed."

Maricopa County's Government, is controlled by a Republican-majority Board, which has Condemned the Review as a Scam. "This means the tabulation equipment counted the ballots as they were designed to do, and the results reflect the will of the voters," said Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman, Jack Sellers (R), "That should be the end of the story. Everything else is just noise."

Adrian Fontes (D), Oversaw the Maricopa County Election Office during the 2020 Election, said that Political noise is the True Purpose of the Review. "They are trying to scare people into doubting the system is actually working," he said. "That is their motive. They want to destroy public confidence in our systems."

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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