Thursday, August 19, 2021

WI Legislature Moves To Intervene And Dismiss Redistricting Lawsuit

Wisconsin's Republican-led Legislature is asking for a Dismissal of a Lawsuit seeking to have a Federal Court declare the State's current Legislative and Congressional Districts Unconstitutional for use in Redistricting efforts.

The Legislature, on Tuesday, submitted a Motion to Intervene in the Lawsuit, which was filed Friday, against the Wisconsin Elections Commission on behalf of Democratic Voters, and submitted a separate Motion requesting Dismissal of the “wildly premature” Suit.

The Republicans' Legal Filings called the Suit a "direct attack on the Legislature’s constitutionally delegated responsibility of redistricting” and accused Democrats of Impeding the Redistricting Process with a "premature attempt to beat everyone to the courthouse."

The Suit's Plaintiffs, represented by Attorneys with the liberal Legal Organization, Democracy Docket, are a Group of Democratic Voters in Wisconsin, who argue the State's current Districts are "unconstitutionally malapportioned" and based on Old Data.

Their Legal Complaint, filed less than a day after the Census Bureau released its, possibly Incorrect, Detailed Redistricting Population Data to States, also asks the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin, to Intervene in the State's Reapportionment Process with a Plan of its own, if Gov. Tony Evers (D) and the Republican-led State Legislature Fail to reach a Redistricting Deal, something Plaintiffs say is highly likely.

"There is no reasonable prospect that Wisconsin's political branches will reach consensus to enact lawful legislative and congressional district plans in time to be used in the upcoming 2022 election," the Lawsuit read, pointing to Wisconsin's Divided Government.

The Legislature asserted its established Authority in the Redistricting Process, under Wisconsin Law, and asked the Court to allow its participation as a Defendant, saying the Suit “has the potential to prescribe new rules for the legislature’s ongoing redistricting efforts, to take away the legislature’s power to redistrict, and ultimately to alter the legislature’s very makeup.”

The Republican Legislators' Legal move adds fuel to the already highly Political and highly Litigious Fight over the fate of States' Legislative and Congressional Districts, which are Amended once every Decade.

Similar Lawsuits have been filed in: Louisiana, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania in April, months before the Census Bureau released its Final Redistricting Data.

Delays in Delivery of Population Data, which were blamed on Disruptions caused by the Coronavirus Pandemic, also prompted separate Lawsuits against the Census Bureau itself, as some States demanded Access to the Data sooner to have time to Redraw Districts ahead of their Next Elections.

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