Monday, July 26, 2021

House Committee Seeks Answers About AZ Ballot Audit

A Congressional Oversight Committee, is seeking Information from Cyber Ninja's, Doug Logan, about his Firm’s Role in the Audit of last year’s Phoenix-area General Election.

“The committee is seeking to determine whether the privately funded audit conducted by your company in Arizona protects the right to vote or is instead an effort to promote baseless conspiracy theories, undermine confidence in America’s elections, and reverse the result of a free and fair election for partisan gain,” says a Letter, sent to Logan on Wednesday, and signed by Reps. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY, 12th District), Chairwoman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, and Jamie Raskin (D-MD, 8th District), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

After the Introduction, the Letter has Three Sections laying out Committee Concerns:

- Cyber Ninjas’ Lack of Election Audit Experience

- Cyber Ninjas’ Sloppy and Insecure Audit Practices

- Members of the Audit, Predeposed of Election Conspiracy Theories

That’s followed by a List of Documentation the Committee wants Logan, CEO of Cyber Ninjas, to provide by July 28th:

- Company Ownership

- Audit Funding

- Training Methods

- Connections to Trump, his Surrogates, including Attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell.

The Letter notes that the Committee on Oversight and Reform “is the principal oversight committee of the House of Representatives and has broad authority to investigate ‘any matter’ at ‘any time’ under House Rule X.”

Arizona Senate President, Karen Fann (R), hired Florida-based Cyber Ninjas to lead several Firms in the Audit after Winning a Legal Battle, with the GOP-led Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, over Access to Voting Equipment and about 2.1 Million Ballots, from the November 2020 General Election. Sen. Fann says Audit Ballot Totals don't Match Maricopa County's Numbers. But, it was determined she did Not understand the Board of Elections internal Spreedsheets.

The Audit began April 23rd and is still on going, with final Results Not expected until late July or August.

Only Two Races that Democrats Won, Ppresident and U.S. Senate, were Tallied in the Audit Recount.

Maricopa County Officials and Others have Questioned the Methods, Competence, and Motives of Cyber Ninjas, concerns that Congress is now looking into.

The Board of Supervisors, which consists of Four Republicans and One Democrat, previously Authorized Two Audits by Independent Contractors, who are Certified by the National Institute for Standards and Technology and the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission.

Those Audits found No problems, but State Senate Republicans Subpoenaed the County for Access to the Election Materials, at the urging of Trump Supporters who Refused to accept President Biden’s narrow Victory Maricopa County and Statewide.

Fann selected, Cyber Ninjas’ Bid of just $150,000, to Conduct an Audit that will likely end up costing Millions. Several Private Campaigns have been launched to raise Funds in the name of the Audit, but there is No Public Record of where the Money is coming from.

Fann has said the aim of the Process is to Restore faith in the Election System and find ways to Improve Arizona’s Voting Laws, Not to Reverse the Result of the Election. However, many Trump Supporters see it as a Step toward Invalidating Biden’s Victory and Returning Trump to Office.

The State has Decertified the Voting Machines used in the Audit, and will cost the Arizona Taxpayers $3 Million to replace them.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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