Friday, June 11, 2021

WI Commission To Send Mailers To Voters Who may Have Moved

The Voting Rights Act (VRA) has a Process to Remove Voters From the Rolls besides Death Notices or Move Notices.

The Process:

1. After Two Federal Elections of Not Voting, a State should send a Notice to the Voters requsting if the Voter moved. If the Voter does Not Reply, the State can Change their Status as Non-Active on the Voter Rolls.

2. After Two more Federal Elections of Not Voting, the Voter can be Removed from the Voting Rolls.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission has decided to send Postcards to more than 100,000 Voters who may have Moved but won’t Deactivate their Registrations if they don’t Respond. Under 1. above, those should only go to Non-Voters in the Last Two Federal Elections.

The Commission, on Thursday, decided to Send the First of Three Postcard Mailings later this Month to 103,010 Voters who may have Moved.

The Postcards will warn the Voters their Registrations may be Deactivated if they don’t Confirm their Address or Register at a New one. The Postcards should indicate under 2. above, that they will be Removed, ONLY AFTER, Not Voting in Two more Federal Elections.

The Commission will follow up with Two more Mailings, one in September and One in December.

The Commission also will send a Memo to Local Election Clerks, this summer, saying it will be up to them to Deactivate Voters flagged as Potential Movers or keep them on the Rolls. It would be Illegal, if the Voter was Removed before Not Voting Two more Federal Elections

Republicans on the Commission wanted to Direct Local Clerks or the Commission itself to Deactivate Suspected Movers who don't Respond, again Illegal according under 2.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in April that the Commission isn't Required to Deactivate Voters it suspects have Moved, Rejecting Arguments from Conservative Law Firm Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty. That Ruling left about 70,000 Voters who were Flagged in 2019 as Potential Movers on the Rolls. Around 30,000 of them will likely be Deactivated, in late July, as Part of a Separate, Routine Procedure to Clear the Rolls of People who haven't Voted in the past Four years. This should say: Only if they received a Postcard in 2019 when they Did Not Vote in Two Federal Elections before 2019.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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