The Supreme Court Ruled, Tuesday, that the PennEast Pipeline can Seize Land from New Jersey for its Construction, a Win for the Natural Gas. The 5-4 Decision wasn't Split along Ideological Lines in the Case that pitted Fossil Fuel Interests against States' Rights.
The Majority Opinion, penned by Chief Justice, John Roberts, and joined by Justices: Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, and Brett Kavanaugh, argued that the Federal Government can Deputize Private Entities, like the PennEast Pipeline Company, to Seize Land under the Federal Government's Eminent Domain Rights.
The Five Justices Rejected New Jersey's Argument that the Pipeline Company taking its Land Violated its Sovereign Immunity Protecting it from Lawsuits, including Property Condemnation Suits, and Argued that the State gave up its ability to Evade Eminent Domain by Ratifying the Constitution.
The Four Dissenting Justices, in an Opinion written by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Argued that Permitting the Company to take the State's Land through Eminent Domain, Violates Court Precedent which has determined that the Constitution Doesn't allow for Congress to Interfere with States' Sovereign Immunity.
PennEast cheered the Court's Ruling in a Statement, saying Completion of the approximately 120-mile will be Good for Consumers while New Jersey's Attorney General pledged to keep up the Fight against it.

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