Wednesday, June 16, 2021

CA Federal Judge Tosses Local Lawsuit Echoing Trump Claims Of Election Fraud

California Federal Judge, Andre Birotte, on Tuesday, tosses Local Lawsuit that echoed Trump's Claims of Election Fraud.

Judge Birotte, Dismissed with Prejudice, and Scolds the GOP Group and Failed Congressional Candidates for Undermining Election Confidence.

The Lawsuit, filed in January, by a Conservative Election Watchdog Group and 10 Failed GOP Congressional Candidates, was against a slew of State and County Elections Officials, claimed the November 2020 Election in California was rife with “mass irregularities and opportunities for fraud.”

The Plaintiffs argued that such Conditions have been Brewing in California for years, but were Exacerbated by Changes made, last year, to make sure All Voters in the State had Access to a Ballot during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

But those Arguments, similar to Claims made in Dozens of other Lawsuits disputing the 2020 Election, were Rejected.

Judge Andre Birotte wrote in a 13-page Ruling that the Plaintiffs didn’t offer Concrete Evidence that Problems affected the Outcome of California’s November Elections. Birotte also said he Agreed with the Defendants’ Statement that the Lawsuit amounted to “an incremental undermining of confidence in the election results, past and future.”

Defendants in the Case, including Officials who run Elections in many California Counties, welcomed the Ruling and Birotte’s Reasoning for the Decision.

“I think the judge is concurring with what we certainly have known all along, and that is that this election was done with the most intense scrutiny I’ve ever faced,” said Neal Kelley, who has been Orange County’s Registrar of Voters for 18 years and was One of 13 County Registrars named as Defendants in the Suit.

“All of the audits and checks and balances we have in place showed that the will of the voters was carried out,” Kelley added….

The Original Claim asked the Judge to Decertify the Results of the November 2019 Election. But the Plaintiffs later Dropped that Request in an Amended Complaint, though they still sought an Audit of Paper Ballots, similar to the Controversial Third-Party Audit now underway in Arizona, and a Repeal of Emergency Orders that sent Ballots to All Registered Voters.

The 44-Page Suit contains No Specific Claims about Ballots Falsely Counted or Harm done to any Particular Candidate. Instead, the Plaintiffs argued that Votes could have been Diluted because of the Potential for Invalid Votes to be Counted.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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