New York State Board of Elections (NYSBOE) Approves Ranked-Choice-Voting (RCV) Vote-Counting Software, allowing New York City Board of Elections (NYCBOE), to Avoid a Hand Tally, in its First, June 22nd Primary Election. City Elections Workers are breathing a big sigh of relief, they won’t be expected to Count Votes by Hand in the Primary, after Hand Counting, Four RCV Special Elections for City Council Seats.
The Proposed Software is based on the Open-Source RCV Universal Tabulator (RCVUT), which has been used in Michigan and Utah.
State Elections Commissioners have Tested the Software to Electronically Tabulate RCV Results.
They did so Unanimously, but Begrudgingly, the Democrat Co-Chair concerned about Vote-Record Security and the Republican Commissioners arguing the City didn’t have Jurisdiction to Enact the New Voting Method to begin with.
But the State Constitution Allows Counties to determine how to Select their Local Officials and New York City has their own Charter.
The NYSBOE did develope Guidelines for the use of RCVUT software:
- Voting Record Security Gap: The Process to Count RCV Ballots takes Electronic Files, Cast-Vote records, from the Scanners and Inputs them into a System with the RCVUT software. To Verify the Data hasn't been Changed, the Scanner Data will continue a Hash Number that must Match the Hash Number of the Data used by the RCVUT.
- RCVUT: Has Modules that are Not used or Authorized by NYSBOE. These Modules will be Removed on the Next Release.
- Break Ties: Of the number of Options, I think they will use, the Candidate with the Most 1st Place Votes.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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