Tuesday, May 4, 2021

NY’s Population Growth Surprised Experts

Last Week, the Census Bureau released New York Figures that could Cost it a Seat in Congress, because the State’s 2020 Census Population came up 89 People, or .00044%, Short.

I think, Governor Cuomo (D), plans to go to Court to get a Recount, but must wait until the Census Bureau releases District Numbers, on Sept. 30th 2021, so he can determine wich District need to be Recounted. He will use the fact that the Census was Cut Short by Trump because of the Pandemic.

But the near Miss obscured something important, New York, it turns out, experienced Modest Growth last Decade, up 823,000 People, or 4.2%, compared with 2010.

Because the Growth Rate was Lower than the National Gain of 7.4%, the State still Lost Out, barely, on keeping the House Seat.

The Result was quite Different from what the Bureau had been Forecasting.

Annual Estimates had the State’s Population steadily Shrinking since 2016, and a December Release said the State’s Population, as of July 2020, was actually 40,000 Lower than it had been in the 2010 Census.

Various Theories were Offered to explain the Discrepancy between Expectations and the New Reality.

Among them:

- The Pandemic brought Out-of-State College Students Home to be Counted at their Parents’ House.

- The Presidential Election generated so much Enthusiasm in New York that it carried over to the Census, inspiring a Larger-than-Expected Response Rate.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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