Sunday, May 16, 2021

Acting Defense Secretary Reveals Trump Delayed National Guard on Jan. 6th 2021

Under questioning by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY, 14th District), Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense, Christopher Miller, revealed that there was a Three-hour Delay between when the Capitol Riot Started to when the National Guard were finally being Deployed.

Requests for the National Guard had come from: the Mayor of D.C.; the Local National Guard Commander; the Sargent at Arms for the Capitol; and from House Speaker, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA 12th District); and Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY), Office, but it wasn't until Miller had a Conversation with Mike Pence (R-IN) at 4:08 pm that the Guard was Finally Authorized at 4:32 pm.

Miller’s exact Reason for this Delay was rather Vague but we do know who didn't give him a Call.

He didn't get a Call to Release the Guard from Trump.

After Rules established following the Deployment of the Guard against Black Lives Matter in D.C. during the summer, the Authorization had been Kicked-Up the Chain of Command to the White House.

If Trump or Pence, didn't make the Call, the Guard wasn't coming.

Trump was Watching the Insurrection unfold on live TV.

He had a Conversation with House Minority Leader, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA, 21st District), where after first Claiming the Attackers were “from Antifa” he told him “I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.”

Trump didn't Release his Weak Statement to "go home, we love you” until nearly 4 pm.

Twitter then Locked his Account for his Encouragement of the Riot at 4:02 pm.

It was because Pence finally Stepped in that the Guard were Deployed at all.

Based on the Discussion, that Miller had with Trump on Jan 3rd, very likely those were the "Optics" that Miller was Concerned with.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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