California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) ordered the Agency that Regulates Oil and Natural Gas Drilling to Stop Issuing New Fracking Permits by 2024.
Newsom’s Directive to the, Department of Conservation’s Geologic Energy Management, Banning New Permits was announced, on Friday, as was his Request that the State’s Air Resources Board, look for ways to Phase-Out Oil Extraction altogether, in California by, no later than 2045.
“The climate crisis is real, and we continue to see the signs every day,” the Governor said in a Press Release. “As we move to swiftly decarbonize our transportation sector and create a healthier future for our children, I’ve made it clear I don’t see a role for fracking in that future and, similarly, believe that California needs to move beyond oil.”
The move on Fracking Permits comes after Newsom insisted, last fall, while facing Pressure from Environmental Activists, that he couldn’t Unilaterally Ban the Method as Governor.
“We simply don’t have that authority. That’s why we need the Legislature to approve it,” Newsom told Reporters on Sept. 23rd, 2020.
State Sens. Scott Wiener (D-1th District) and Monique Limon (D-19th District), introduced a Proposal on Feb. 17th 2021, more Ambitious than Newsom’s, that Failed to Pass out of Committee on April 13th 2021.
The Bill sought to Halt the Issuance or Renewal of Fracking Permits beginning Jan. 1st, 2022, and would have Prohibited Fracking, as well as Acid Well Stimulation Treatments, Cyclic Steaming, and Water/Steam Flooding in California entirely beginning Jan. 1st, 2027.
In addition to the End of Fracking Permitting by 2024, Newsom announced that the California Air Resources Board will examine the "economic, environmental and health benefits and effects of eliminating oil extraction" as the State seeks to become Completely Carbon-Neutral by 2045.
The Friday Announcement adds to a List of Executive Actions that Newsom has taken on Climate Change in recent months.
On Sept. 23rd 2020, Newsom ordered a Ban on New Gas-Powered Vehicle Sales starting in 2035.
Two weeks later, on Oct. 7th 2020, he signed another Executive Order setting a Goal to Conserve 30% of California’s Lands and Coastal Waters by 2030.

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