A Democratic Resolution introduced in Johnson County, Iowa, says: in the Off-Year, would Replace the current Voting System, Caucus, with a Party Primary.
"People who defend the caucuses say it's a good organizing opportunity," Local Activist, John Deeth said. "But you can't organize when you're dealing with crowd control and anger management."
Opponents of the Caucus Format have long pointed out that a Requirement that Participants be Physically present can Exclude People for reasons of Disability, Work, or Lack of Transportation.
"Iowa Democrats keep saying, 'Voting should be convenient. Voting should be easy, except at the caucuses. And then you have to go and stand in the corner for three hours to vote,' " Deeth told. "That's unacceptable, and that is more important than whose turn it is to go first."
Passage of the largely Symbolic Resolution in Johnson County would Mot automatically Change the State's System, Experts noted.
Iowa's Conversion to a Primary could mean the Loss of its Position as the Nation's First Nominating Contest. New Hampshire maintains a State Law requiring it to be the First Primary in the Country, and Iowa's switch could prompt the Granite State's Secretary of State to Schedule its own Primary Earlier.
But Democrats and Elected Officials have long said Iowa is Not Diverse enough to be Representative of the Party's Voters Nationwide.
The 2020 Iowa Caucuses led to further calls to Abandon the System after the Results were Delayed for Three Days and relied on a Malfunctioning App.
The percentage of Iowans who Favor a Switch has Increased in recent years, from 39% in February 2017, to 47% in March 2020. During the same period, the percentage who said a Primary would be Worse than a caucus decreased from 43% to 30%.
"I think our move away from caucuses is inevitable," Iowa-based Democratic Strategist, Derek Eadon, said.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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