Saturday, February 6, 2021

Two House Republicans Fined for Not Completing Security Screening to Enter House Floor

Reps. Andrew Clyde (R-GA, 9th District) and Louie Gohmert (R-TX, 1st District) have both been Fined $5,000 for Not following the New Security Protocols.

The Fines, which are meant to Punish Members who Fail to Complete Security Screenings prior to entering the House Floor, will be Deducted from Members' Salaries by the Chief Administrative Officer, according to the New Rule Passed last Tuesday.

A Second and Future Offenses will Result in a $10,000 Fine.

Clyde Refused to go through the Metal Detectors as he entered the House floor, while Gohmert Left the House Floor to go to the Bathroom and did Not Stop to be Screened a Second Time.

Gohmert said he left the House Floor Thursday Night to go to the Bathroom and did Not think he had to be Screened in order to Return to the House Floor. "I went through the metal detector perfectly properly. And as I've done for weeks ever since the metal detectors have been here, I was about to speak so I came to the restroom, and I've never been wanded or anything because they can see you go in and see you come out. And they said, because I didn't stop and get wanded, I went and spoke. They made it sound like I avoided the metal detectors," Gohmert said.

"I've been abiding by those completely. And so all of a sudden, somebody made an arbitrary and capricious decision to all of a sudden start wanding when they saw you go to the restroom." Gohmert, who said he did Not receive the Fine until Friday Morning, said he will be Appealing, but had Not yet spoken to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Office.

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