Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Biden Has Access to All Trump Phone Conversations with Putin

During Trump's Four years as President, he was extremely Guarded about his Phone Calls with Russian President, Vladimir Putin, which numbered to at least a Dozen. He kept Notes from those Calls in a Top-Secret Computer System and Delayed telling the American Public about Conversations. But he won't be able to Hide what was said anymore.

Biden will have Access to the Full Memorandums of Conversation, called "memcons", which are Detailed Notes taken during Calls with World Leaders. Biden's National Security Team won't need any Approvals to see those Records. "Biden owns all the call materials. There is only one president at a time," a former Trump Official said.

A former Trump White House Official said that the Records were Not Expunged before Trump left Office, but Transferred, as is custom, to the National Archives and Records Administration.

Another former National Security Official, who is described as being close to Biden, said "It is a national security priority to find out what Trump said to Putin. Some things, like what happened in some face-to-face meetings where no American translator or note-taker was present, may never be fully known. But I would be very surprised if the new national security team were not trying to access" them, the source said.

But a former Trump White House Official didn't agree with that Logic, "There are certain things a president and his immediate staff should be able to hold privileged to do the work of government, without being subject to constant partisan gamesmanship."

In Atypical fashion for an American President, Trump had a markedly Warm Relationship with Putin, often lauding the Russian President's Leadership style. The Trump-Putin Relationship contributed to Questions about whether Russia's Interference in the 2016 Election may have included Collusion between Russia and the Trump Team.

A Special Counsel Investigation into the matter, conducted by Robert Mueller, acted as a spectre over much of Trump's time in Office, but Mueller ultimately said there was Not enough evidence to Charge anyone from the Trump Campaign with Illegally Conspiring or Coordinating with the Russian Government.

Federal Election Commission (FEC) Rules in Charging any Election Crimes requires putting a Monatery Value of the Crime, which the Special Council was Unable to Determine.

Biden's First Call with Putin marked a Change in tone from the White House. During the Call, Biden pressed Putin on Russian Election Interference, the SolarWinds Hack, and the Poisoning of the Opposition Leader, Alexei Navalny.

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