In 2020, Gov. Cuomo (D) and the Legislature created New Ballot Qualifications that removed the Green Party from the 2021 Ballot.
The former Qualification for a Party to get Ballot Status was 50,000 Votes for Governor, which gave a Party Four years of Ballot Status.
The New Qualification is: 130,000 Votes or 2% of Total Votes, whichever is Higher, for President or Governor, which gives a Parry Two years of Ballot Status.
With the New Thresholds taking immediate effect, gave the Green party only a few Months to Mobilize during a Presidential Election where a near-total Media Black-Out against the Green Party's pick for President and Vice President, Hawkins-Walker Ticket, and the “Spoiler” Fear, they did Not receive the 130,000 votes or 2% of the Vte needed to Maintain the Green Party’s Ballot Status.
But now many Party Members are receiving Letters from Local County Boards of Election that makes it seem like Voters are No longer Enrolled as a Green Party Member. Many have even been sent a Voter Registration Form along with the letter, an attempt to encourage Greens to Re-Register in another Party.
The truth is Greens have the Right to remain a Registered Green Party Member no matter what.
They Won a Court Case in 2002 against New York State to ensure their Right to Remain a Green, and for anyone to Register as a Green by simply Checking the “other” Box on the Voter Registration Form and writing in "Green".
The Green Party of New York will continue to Exist as the Independent, Eco-Socialist, Activist, and Electoral Party.
Their expert Legal Team has just filed an Injunction as well as a Lawsuit, jointly with the Libertarian Party, to Stop the New Thresholds from taking effect.
NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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