Saturday, January 9, 2021

Current 2021 National Popular Vote Bill Introduced in Eight States

Thanks to Richard Winger of Ballot Access news for this post.

The National Populat Vote Interstate Compact will Guarantee the Presidency to the Candidate who receives the Most Popular Votes across all 50 States and the District of Columbia.

The Compact ensures that Every Vote, in every State, will matter in Every Presidential Election. The Compact is a State-based approach that Preserves the Electoral College, State Control of Elections, and the Power of the States to Control how the President is Elected.

The National Popular Vote Bill has been Enacted by 16 Jurisdictions possessing 196 Electoral Votes of the 270 needed to Elect a President, including: Small States - DE, HI, RI, and VT; Medium-sized States - CO, CT, MD, MA, NJ, NM, OR, and WA; Big States - CA, IL, NY; and the District of Columbia.

The Bill will take Effect when Enacted by States with 74 more Electoral Votes.

The Bill has Passed at least One chamber in Nine additional States with 88 more Electoral Votes - AR, AZ, ME, MI, MN, NC, NV, OK, and VA.

A Total of 3,408 State Legislators from all 50 States have Endorsed it.

In 2021, at least Eight State Bills have been Introduced for the National Popular Vote Plan. They are: Florida (HB 39); Kansas (HB 2002); Minnesota (SF 18); Missouri (HB 267); Pennsylvania (HB 2922); South Carolina (HB 3187); Texas (SB 130); and Virginia (SB 1101).

Of these Eight States, the only one with a Democratic Majority in each house of the Legislature, is Virginia with a Democratic Governor.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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