Saturday, December 12, 2020

WI GOP Legislators Refusing to Pay Two Counties Conducting Election Recounts

A Committee that's part of the Republican-led State Legislature, in Wisconsin, is Refusing to Pay Two Wisconsin Counties the $3 Million they're Owed for Conducting Election Vote Recounts.

Residents in Dane and Milwaukee Counties overwhelmingly Voted for President-Elect Joe Biden.

The Trump 2020 Campaign Paid a Deposit Total of $3 Million to Dane and Milwaukee Counties after demanding Recounts there.

Trump initially Lost to Joe Biden by 0.6 percentage points. When the Recount was Finalized, Biden's Margin of Victory had Increased. The Total Net Gain of 132 Votes out of nearly 460,000 Votes Cast. This further boosted Biden's Margin of Victory, who Overall gained 257 Votes to Trump's 125.

Wisconsin Candidates Requesting Officials to Recount Votes are Responsible for the Cost, unless the Recount Alters the Result in Favor of another Candidate. In that case, the State Covers the Recount Cost.

The Trump Campaign already Deposited the $3 Million Recount Fee, but the State's Legislature's Budget Committee, which has a Republican Majority, is Withholding the State's Money. The Republican Legislators have Not specified why. But, they should Return the Money to the Campaign.

A Letter from the State's Joint Finance Committee said One of its 16 Members Opposed paying the Two Counties the $3 Million they're Owed. The Member was Not named in the Letter.

Dane County Board Chair, Analiese Eicher, tweeted out the letter, sent to her from Republican Committee Leaders Sen. Alberta Darling and Rep. Mark Born. "Just learned that the republicans are objecting to reimbursing Dane County for Donald Trump's recount," Eicher said. "Expenses were incurred. We did our job. Time to pay the bill. We're not a contractor Trump and his allies can stiff."

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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