Sunday, December 20, 2020

Term Limits Convention

U.S. Term Limits (USTL), based out of Washington, D.C., Advocates for Term Limits at All Levels of Government.

Since it was established in the early 1990s, USTL has assisted in Enacting and Defending Term Limits on State Legislatures in 15 States as well as Congressional Term Limits in 23 States.

The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton that States may Not Individually enact Term Limits for their Members of Congress and the Popular and Hard-Won Congressional Term Limits never went into effect.

In 2016, USTL launched the Term Limits Convention, a New Project to Enact a Constitutional Amendment for Congressional Term Limits.

Under this approach, State Legislators can Enact Term Limits for Congress No Member of Congress can stop them.

USTL continues to be at the Forefront of the Term Limits Movement using the Citizen Initiative as its most potent Tool.

To this day, Voters in States and Municipalities across the Country are Enacting and Reaffirming Term Limit Laws One Election Cycle after another.

CLICK HERE to view each State's Local and Congressional Status.

Congress can Propose the Amendment with a Two-Thirds Vote. Current Governor of Florida and Former Representative Ron DeSantis (R-FL, 6th District) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) Sponsored the USTL Amendment on Capitol Hill. It Calls for a Three-Term, Six year, Limit on Representatives and a Two-Term, 12 year, Limit on Senators.

USTL asks All Candidates for Congress to Sign a Pledge in Support of this Amendment.

If Congress refuses to Pass Term Limits on itself, Citizens and Activists can use the Term Limits Convention. The Term Limits Convention allows 34 State Legislatures to Convene a Meeting to Write an Amendment for Congressional Term Limits. The Process Bypasses Washington and allows the People and the States to Impose Congressional Term Limits.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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