ElectNYC is a Project of Citizens Union Foundation and Gotham Gazette, with the Support of the Ford Foundation. As New York’s Oldest Good Government Group, Citizens Union has been providing Reliable, Non-Partisan Information, about Local Elections and New York City Council, for over a Century.
New York City Voters will have a Lot to Decide in 2021. Gotham Gazette will be an Integral Part of a Major New Project led by its Parent Organization, Citizens Union Foundation, aimed at Educating Voters in advance of the Historic, Immensely-Important 2021 New York City Elections.
In 2021, New York City Voters will Elect a: New Mayor; Comptroller; at least Four New Borough Presidents; and Dozens of New City Council Members. The rest of City Government will also be on the Ballot, including Seats where Incumbents are expected: Public Advocate; Queens Borough President; and roughly 15 City Council Membors in the 51-Seat Body, and for the First time using Rank-Choice Voting (RCV).
ElectNYC, will include a Voters Guide website with Information on: Offices, Races, and Candidates; Original Reporting led by Gotham Gazette; an Education and Outreach Campaign, including Local Candidate Debates; and more. It will be Led by Veteran Journalist, Eleanor Randolph, who was on the New York Times Editorial Board for 20 years, and a Team under her Direction, working closely with the Gotham Gazette Team under the Leadership of Executive Editor, Ben Max.
ElectNYC will include a Special Focus on City Council Races in Communities with traditionally Low Voter Turnout and Little Local Media Coverage.
Citizens Union Foundation (CUF) is a Nonpartisan Good Government Organization focused on Voter Education and Government Accountability. For more than 20 years, CUF’s most Prominent Program has been publishing Gotham Gazette, a highly-regarded, independent Online News Publication that covers New York City, State Government, and Politics. Gotham Gazette is known for its in-depth Policy and Political Coverage, Election Guides, morning Newsletter, The Eye-Opener, and its tough accountability Reporting with particular focus on the Mayor, City Council, Governor, and State Legislature, among other Powerful Figures and Institutions.
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 Candidates are expected to Run for the more than 60 City Government Seats that will be on the Ballot, with only a Small portion of those Seats held by Incumbents seeking Re-Election.
As is usually the case in New York City, most of the action will take place in Democratic Primaries, given the City’s Overwhelming Democratic Voter Registration tilt. For the First time, RCV Primaries will be in June 2021, instead of Sept., meaning even greater importance of Voter Education sooner rather than later.
Voters will need to be Educated on RCV, which will allow Voter's to Rank up to Five Candidates in such Elections and seeks to ensure that the Winners of Crowded and Competitive Elections have a Broad Base of Support.
ElectNYC will Hire Journalists to cover Local Races, build a User-Friendly Website, and disseminate Information about the Elections in Communities throughout the Five Boroughs through Traditional and Social Media Campaigns, and Host Local Candidate Debates. While paying Special Attention to Races in Underserved Communities with Low Voter Turnout, the Project will also Partner with Local Community-based Nonprofits to help reach Residents of those Neighborhoods.
For most New Yorkers, even those who follow Politics and Government Affairs closely, the 2021 City Elections will simply be Overwhelming. ElectNYC will help make sure it is less so, while ensuring that Voters have Information they need and can Engage with Local Politics and Elections that are so Essential to their Future and that of New York City.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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