A Legislative Task Force is Studying whether Louisiana should change their Voting Process to an other system, like a Closed Primary System. and will Submit its Recommendations by the Next Regular Session.
The Closed Primary System was attempted for Congressional Races in 2008 and 2010 but was Rejected in 2012.
Currently, in Louisiana, All Candidates running for a Local, State, or Federal Office appear on the same Ballot in either October, in Odd-Numbered years or November in Even-Numbered years, regardless of their Partisan Affiliations. If a Candidate wins a Majority of All Votes Cast for the Office being sought, 50% + One Vote, they win the Election outright. If No Candidate meets that Threshold, the Top-Two Finishers, regardless of their Partisan Affiliations, Advance to a Second Election in December. In that Election, the Candidate who receives the Greatest Number of Votes wins. This type of an Election general refers to a “Jungle Primary.”
Louisiana’s Secretary of State describes the State’s Electoral System as a “majority-vote primary paired with a plurality-vote general election. If there is a tie vote among more candidates than offices to be filled, all candidates who received the highest number of tie votes advance to another election to be held on the 3rd Saturday after the promulgation of the election results.”
Political Analyst, Bernie Pinsonat, said the current Jungle Primary system was implemented in 1975 to Limit Democrat on Democrat Attacks during Statewide Elections. "Let's fast forward to now where the Republicans beat each other up and John Bel Edwards sat there with no opposition, had a lot of money. When Vitter finally had made the runoff Republicans had destroyed each other," said Pinsonat.
Under the Jungle Primary System Candidates of All Parties compete to head to a Run-Off. Under a Closed Primary Candidates of the same Party Compete against each other for a spot in the General Election, and No Party/Third Party Voters may Not Participate in the Primary.
Pinsonat said One of the Arguments in Favor of moving to Closed Primaries is that it would End the State's awkward, Low-Turnout December Run-Off Elections. "It is an outdated system according to what most states do. We end up having a December runoff instead of finishing with the Congressional and Presidential races," said Pinsonat.
The Task Force is being led by State Senator Sharon Hewitt (R-1st District), with a Change to a Closed Primary vocally Supported by House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-1st Congressional District), Attorney General Jeff Landry (R), and Cleo C. Fields (D-4th Congressional District).
The Question seems to come up just about every year, but Pinsonat said a move to Closed Primaries, is Opposed by People who stand to Lose from the Shift. "There is going to be opposition by various groups, by some in the parties, probably by someone like Governor John Bel Edwards (D) who saw it work to his benefit," said Pinsonat.
I like the New Alaska system. The Top-Four, Single Ballot Primary Winners, goes to a Ranked-Choice General Election.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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