Nearly 200,000 Valid Georgia Voters should be Returned to the Rolls in time for the Senate Two Elections on Jan.5th, 2021, that will decide Control of the Senate, a New Lawsuit argues.
The Suit, filed Wednesday, by Three Voting Rights Groups, in Federal Court in Atlanta, alleges the Georgia Secretary of State's Office improperly Removed 198,351 Voters from the State's Registration Database in 2019, with an Error Rate of 63%.
The Black Voters Matter Fund, the Transformative Justice Coalition, and the Rainbow Push Coalition, maintain that Voters who hadn't Moved were taken Off the Rolls because the State did Not use the Ccorrect List to Verify Addresses.
The Suit also Challenges the State's "use it or lose it" Law, which Requires People to Vote in at least One Federal Election every Four Years or Interact with a State Election Office in Order to Remain Registered.
But this State Law Violates the Federal Law of the National Voting Regisration Act (NVRA) of 1993.
Removing Voters for Not Voting in a Federal Election is Not Prohibited by the NVRA and it Bars Removing Voters from the List solely for Failure to Vote Once. The NVRA Notice Process is: If a Voter Misses Two Federal Elections, then Fails to Respond to a State Notice, and then doesn't Vote in Two more Federal General Elections, can be Remoced from the Voting Rolls.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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