Saturday, December 26, 2020

Biden Promise to Curb Emissions First Days in Office

President-Elect Joe Biden is Promising to start Implementing, on Day one, the most Aggressive Policies to Curb Emissions of any Administration.

His Administration is poised to get started quickly. Biden is bringing in a Team of Climate Policymaking Veterans, Former Obama Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator, Gina McCarthy, and Former Secretary of State, John Kerry, to run his White House climate Shop.

He has also been laying the Groundwork for months to set an “All of Government” Strategy to Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions sharply. Environmentalists and those close to Biden’s Team expect Biden will seek to Codify his Overall Agenda in his First days, maybe even in his First hours on the job.

“I’m just hoping to hear on day one, or very, very early, signals about an urgent agenda to address neglected pollution problems, including, of course, climate change,” said David Doniger, Senior Strategic Director of the Natural Resources Defense Council's Climate and Clean Energy Program.

Biden has No Shortage of Ideas at his disposal. On the Campaign Trail, and even more since his Election, Climate Advocates, Clean Energy Companies, and Environmental Groups have offered Biden’s Team an Overflow of Policy Blueprints, laying out in granular detail how each Agency, not just the EPA and Energy Department, can Combat Climate Change.

In addition, Climate Activists will be Clamoring for Immediate and Aggressive action from Biden, citing the Urgency of Addressing Rising Global Emissions and a need to Repair the Environmental Damage they say the Trump Administration has caused.

“We need to meet this moment with the urgency it demands as we would during any national emergency,” Biden said Dec. 19th, introducing his Climate and Energy Cabinet Nominees and Appointments.

Biden expects to be able to do a lot to Start Reducing Emissions in his First days in Office. And while his Administration likely won’t complete any Major Emissions Mandates in its First 100 days, as the Regulatory Process can take many months, the List goes beyond Rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, the day One Climate Action Biden has been the most Vocal about. After which the U.S. could be a Formal Member again after a 30-day Waiting Period.

Cimate Plans

Executive Orders:

Perhaps the Biggest Action to Watch for: Biden is Promising on his First Day to Sign Executive Orders “with unprecedented reach that go well beyond” what the ObamaAadministration set out to achieve. Those Executive Orders, Environmentalists say, will be Critical to Sending a Signal to Government Agencies that Climate Change is a Priority.

- Set the U.S. on a Path to Achieve Net-Zero Emissions by 2050 and a Carbon-Free Power Sector by 2035.

- Pledged to Set a Goal, 30/30 Plan, for the U.S. to Conserve 30% of U.S. Lands and Waters by 2030, as well as establish Targets to Increase Reforestation and Expand Renewable Energy on Federal Lands.

- Task Specific Federal Agencies with beginning Work to Rewrite Trump-era Environmental Rollbacks, set Stricter Emissions Mandates, Limit Fossil Fuel Production, and Ramp-Up Clean Energy Generation.

- EPA would Set Requirements for Oil and Gas Facilities to Reduce Emissions of the Potent Greenhouse Gas Methane. Direct the EPA to Rewrite Carbon Emissions Limits for Power Plants that the Trump Administration Weakened. Direct the EPA and Transportation Department to set Stricter Fuel Economy Standards for Passenger Cars and to Restore California’s Ability to Set its Own Tailpipe Greenhouse Gas Limits.

- Directs the Interior Department to Restrict Fossil Fuel Development on Public Lands. Bar New Federal Leasing for Oil and Gas on Federal Lands and Waters.

- Directing the Federal Government to Purchase more Clean Energy, Electric cars, and Other Low-Carbon Technologies.

- Ordering the Energy Department to set Tighter Energy Efficiency Standards for Appliances and Buildings.

- Requiring that Federal Permitting of Infrastructure, Energy, and Other Projects Assess the Effects they would have on Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

- Directing Financial Agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to Require Public Companies to Disclose the Risks they face from Climate Change and how much Greenhouse Gases they Emit.

International Efforts in First 100 Days

- Convene a World Summit with the Leaders of Major Emitting Countries to call on them to make more Aggressive Pledges to Slash Greenhouse Gases.

- “Lock In” Emissions Mandates consistent with Global Agreements to Cut Greenhouse Gases from the Shipping and Aviation Sectors.

- “Embrace” a Global Deal to Limit Climate-Warming Coolants known as Hydrofluorocarbons, which could Avoid 0.5 Degrees Celsius of Warming.


- Congress Pass Legislation in the First year of his Term that Sets: Enforceable Emissions Targets for No later than 2025; make Investments in Clean Energy and Climate Change Research; and “Rapid Deployment” of Clean Energy across the Country.

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