Thursday, November 12, 2020

VA Anti-Gerrymandering Reform

Another Reform to garner Massive Support from Voters in the 2020 Election was an Anti-Gerrymandering Amendment in Virginia to establish a Bipartisan, Citizen-led Redistricting Committee ahead of the 2021 Redistricting following the Decennial Census.

Constitutional Amendment #1 - Should the Constitution of Virginia be amended to establish a redistricting commission, consisting of eight members of the General Assembly and eight citizens of the Commonwealth, that is responsible for drawing the congressional and state legislative districts that will be subsequently voted on, but not changed by, the General Assembly and enacted without the Governor's involvement and to give the responsibility of drawing districts to the Supreme Court of Virginia if the redistricting commission fails to draw districts or the General Assembly fails to enact districts by certain deadlines?

The Admendment is currently at 65.65% Yes Votes.

The Committee will be composed of 8 Members of the General Assembly, 8 Citizens, and the Chair of the Committee has to be a Citizen.

THE COMMISSION WILL END UNFAIR LAWS - Virginians will finally Create a Fair and Inclusive Process that will Replace the Outdated and Discriminatory Redistricting Laws.

THE COMMISSION WILL PROTECT CIVIL RIGHTS - Historic Voting Rights Protections for Minority Communities will be added to the Virginia Constitution for the First time. In fact, Justin Levitt, a Former Obama Administration Justice Department Official said that the “amendment requires adherence to the Voting Rights Act … and then goes beyond.”

THE COMMISSION WILL BE TRANSPARENT - Instead of shady Backroom Deals, the New System will be completely Transparent to Voters and Watchdogs. Public Meetings will be held across Virginia, with All Data and Notes from the Meetings being completely Open to the Public.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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