Sunday, November 15, 2020

Scotland May Look at Long-Standing Concerns About Trump's Business Activities

There's been Interesting Discussion in the Scottish Parliament about the use of, Unexplained Wealth Orders, to Investigate Trump's Deals to Acquire his Scottish Properties and ascertain the Sources of the Financing. Those concerns include Evidence to the U.S. Congress citing Patterns of Buying and Selling thought Suggestive of Money Laundering, and which drew particular attention to the Golf Courses in Scotland and Ireland.

The Trump Organisation has been Accused of Repeatedly reporting Fraudulent Financial Details to the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, while reporting a Different Set of Figures to the UK Regulators.

A relatively New, and rarely used, Power which has been Designed to Target Suspected Corrupt Foreigners who have potentially Laundered Money through the UK.

The Mechanism, introduced in 2018, is an attempt to Force the Owners of Assets to Disclose their Wealth. If a Suspected Corrupt Foreigner or their Family, cannot show a Legitimate Source for their Riches, then Authorities can Apply to a Court to Seize the Property.

Trump and the Trump Organisation have always stressed that they did Not require any Outside Financing for their Scottish Resorts.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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