The New York New Law, Passed and Signed April 3rd, 2020, which had been paired with the Creation of a System of Publicly Financed Campaigns in the State, requires Political Parties to Receive at least 130,000 Votes or 2% of All Votes Cast, which ever is Higher, for President or Governor, to Qualify for a Ballot Line. The Previous Threshold was 50,000 Votes for Governor.
Currently, the Vote for President in November is 6,659,645. So a Party needs 133,193 Votes in 2020.
With 293,433 Votes already Counted and more to come, the New York Working Families Party (WOR). will Remain on the Ballot in New York State for 2021.
With 256,851 Votes already Counted and more to come, the New York Conservative Party (CON), will Remain on the Ballot in New York State for 2021.
Parties Off the Ballot for 2021
Libertarian (LBT) - 47,746
Green (GRE) - 23,259
Independence (IND) - 17,639
The Serve America Movement (SAM) - 0

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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