Some South Florida Voters still Failed to Return Mail Ballots by the Election Day Deadline.
Broward County spent $500,000 on a “Sign, Seal and Deliver on Time" Campaign, blasting Ads on Mobile Phones and Streaming Services reminding People to Mail their Ballot Early, said Steve Vancore, a Spokesman for Supervisor of Elections, Pete Antonacci. Election Officials also Signed an Agreement to Pick-Up Ballots directly from Post Offices, and Drop Boxes were Available throughout the County.
"The ballots came in a lot earlier,” he said. “The number of deficient envelopes was minuscule.”
That meant 1,588 Ballots in Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach Counties, weren’t Counted, according to Tallies provided by Election Officials.
The Number isn’t enough to Change the Result of the Presidential Election in Florida, but it Highlights a Recurring Issue with Mail Voting. Ballots that Arrive after 7 p.m. on Election Day are Disqualified.
Election Officials say the Number of Late Ballots was Small despite Nationwide concern about Postal Delays.
For the Primary Election in August, 3rd, 163 Mail Ballots arrived Too Late in Broward County, compared with 582 for the Nov. 3rd Presidential Election.
Nearly 1.4 Million People successfully Voted by Mail in South Florida, with Trump winning the State by 371,686 Votes.
The U.S. Postal Service advised Voters that they needed to Mail their Ballot at least a Week before Election Day for it to Arrive in Time to be Counted.
The League of Women Voters of Florida wanted Mail Ballots Postmarked by Election Day received up to 10 Days after Election Day to be Counted, the same Amount of Time given to Military and Overseas Voters to Return their Ballots. Patti Brigham, the Organization’s President, said she was Disappointed that Extension wasn’t Granted, but she was Pleased with how Election Officials conducted the Election. “Florida put on a good election this year,” she said. “All eyes were on our state for any kind of drama and very little drama occurred. We had a record turnout. I didn’t hear of any significant problems on Election Day.”
Some States, including: Nevada; North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, allowed Mail Ballots that Arrived after Election Day to be Counted. North Carolina counted Ballots Postmarked by Election Day and received within Nine Days of the Election.
Mail Ballots were Disqualified for Other Reasons. Another 2,503 Ballots in Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach Counties, weren’t Counted because: the Envelope wasn’t Signed; the Signature didn’t Match the One on File at the Election Office; or the Voter Moved or Other Disqualifying Factors were Found, according to Election Officials. Voters had until 5 p.m. Nov. 5th to Fix any Problems with their Ballots.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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