Saturday, November 14, 2020

Census Workers Told to Fudge Numbers as Census Stops Early

Census Workers were told to Submit False Information to look more Complete than it actually was to Meet Count Deadlines enforced by the Trump Administration.

The Latest example of undermining the Census for their own Partisan Gain.

We know that Gerrymandered Maps are essential to Maintaining Legislature Power.

That's why they have been trying to Sabotage the Integrity of the Census Count, from the Trump Administration's attempt to include a Citizenship Question, to Mitch McConnell's Senate Majority refusing to Pass Additional Funding for the Census during a Pandemic.

The Consequences of a Manipulated Count would be felt for the Next Decade.

We need to know now if this Falsified Census Data is an Isolated Incident or Widespread Manipulation.

Some States say they wil Not Redistrict in 2021. Some say they will wait to see what the Biden Administration will determine after an Investigation to Fix this Problem.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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