Sunday, November 15, 2020

AK Passed Top-Four Primary and RCV General Election

Alaskans for Better Elections collected enough Signatures to put Ballot Measure 2-19AKBE to a Vote on November 3rd.

It Passed, with 100% of the Vote Counted, Yes = 164,735, 50.24% and No = 163,169, 49.76%.

This Ballot Measure would implement several Statutory Changes, including:

1 - Top-Four" Blanket Primaries for State and Congressional Offices, where All Candidates would appear on the same Primary Ballot and the Top-Four Vote Getters would Advance to the General Election, regardless of Party Affiliation.

2 - Rank-Choice Voting (RCV) in the Choice among Four Candidates on the November Ballot, with Write-In Candidates Permitted.

3 - RCV in the Presidential Election among All Candidates who have Qualified for the Ballot and any Write-in-Candidates.

4 - Rrequiring Persons and Entities that Contribute more than $2,000 that were themselves derived from Donations, Contributions, Dues, or Gifts to Disclose the True Sources, as defined in Law, of the Political Contributions.

Alaskans for Better Elections led the Campaign in Support of Ballot Measure 2. Through October 24th, 2020, the Campaign's Committees had Raised $6.8 Million, with Contributions from Several Organizations that seek to Change Election Policies.

Action Now Initiative was the Largest Donor, providing $2.8 Million. Unite America was the Second Largest Donor, providing $2.7 Million. Former Rep. Jason Grenn (I-22) was Chairperson of the Campaign. Bruce Botelho (D), the Former Mayor of Juneau, Alaska, and Bonnie Jack (R) were Co-Chairs of the Campaign. Green described the Ballot Initiative as "kind of a three-pronged attack on making our elections better.”

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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