The Federal Communications Commision (FCC) Voted along Party Lines, Tuesday Oct. 27th, to Reaffirm its Order rolling Back Net Neutrality Regulations in response to a Request from the Courts.
The Commission Voted 3-2 in a Decision Reaffirming the Restoring Internet Freedom Order, with Chairman Ajit Pai (R), who Voted with the Majority, arguing the Order Promotes Public Safety and Facilitates Broadband Infrastructure Deployment.
Republican Commissioners, Michael O'Reilly and Brendan Carr, Voted in favor of Reaffirming the Order, while Democratic Commissioners, Jessica Rosenworcel and Geoffrey Starks, Dissented. Rosenworcel said the FCC's Vote "doubled down on the mess it made."
The FCC Voted along Party Lines, in 2017, to Repeal the Rules Prohibiting Broadband Companies from Blocking, Throttling, or Prioritizing certain Websites, Rolling back Net Neutrality Regulations put in place under Former President Obama.
The Order Voted, on Tuesday Oct. 27th, leaves FCC's Net Neutrality Position Unchanged, but it responds to Issues raised by the D.C. Circuit Court in a Case Reviewing the 2017 Order.
In a Ruling last year, the Court asked the FCC to Evaluate the Order's Impacts on Public Safety, its Effect on the Ability to Regulate Pole Attachments, and its Effect on the Ability to Support Broadband.
Pai, in a Blog Post ahead of Tuesday's Vote, said after Reviewing Input on the Issues he is "confident that the regulatory framework we set forth in the Restoring Internet Freedom Order appropriately and adequately addresses each issue."
The Commission's Decision was Quickly Criticized by Democratic Lawmakers. Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), a Member of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, Vowed to Continue to Fight for Net Neutrality and said the FCC's Vote will Lead to Broadband Providers raising Prices and causing Issues for Families and Small Businesses, especially amid the Coronavirus Pandemic.
"The FCC's vote today to double down on repealing net neutrality and ignore its impact on public safety, universal access, and broadband competition continues to fly in the face of the reality that Americans confront today - the urgent need for access to reliable and affordable broadband free of corporate control," Markey said in a Statement.
"Without net neutrality protections, it's just a matter of time before big broadband providers start raising prices, slowing down internet speeds, and making it harder for families, small business, and students to access the opportunities to recover and rebuild from this pandemic. I will not rest until net neutrality is back on the books," he added.
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) similarly slammed the Vote, saying it Prioritizes "profits over people."

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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