Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Court Lets NC to Keep Absentee Ballot Deadline Extension

North Carolina can Accept Absentee Ballots that are Postmarked by Election Day for more than a Week afterward, a Federal Appeals Court Ruled, Tuesday, Oct. 20th, in a 12-3 En banc 4th Circuit Vote.

The State Board of Elections decided that Absentee Ballots could be Accepted until Nov. 12th, as long as they were Mailed by Election Day, Lengthening the Timeframe from Three to Nine Days.

The Change was made as Part of a Legal Settlement with Voting Rights Advocates.

The Court’s Majority Opinion notes that Ballots must still be Postmarked by Election Day to be Counted.

The Opinion says that “everyone must submit their ballot by the same date. The extension merely allows more lawfully cast ballots to be counted, in the event there are any delays precipitated by an avalanche of mail-in ballots.”

The ruling was Decided by All 15 of the Court’s Active Judges, rather than a Smaller Panel, in a sign of the Case’s Importance.

The Case should have never got to the Federal Court System. Federal Courts should Not be Handling Election Processing Cases, unless State Laws Violate Federal laws, it is a State Sumpreme Court Decision.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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