Thursday, October 8, 2020

Chase Will Aligning Financing with Goals of the Paris Climate Agreement

Chase, made an Announcement, on Tuesday Oct. 6th, and Finally said, that it will Align its Bank Financing with the Ambitious Climate Goals, with the Goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.

The Paris Agreement aims to keep us at 1.5 Degrees Celsius in Warming, which would Require Us to Zero Out Emissions by 2050. It is an Ambitious Agreement that will Require whole Industries to Retool and for All of us to Reimagine the Future.

Why did Chase make this Commitment? Countless Calls, Emails, and Letters, have made the Worst Financier of Fossil Fuels Publicly declare it now Understands we MUST shift Away from Fossil Fuels.

We need to keep up the Pressure to make sure the Policies Chase Adopts actually get Us to Zero by 2050.

The Policies have to be Just, Achievable, and Ambitious Enough, to Meet this Crisis. We need your help to make sure Chase keep its Promise to People and Planet, and takes Immediate Action to Phase Out Fossil fuel Financing Completely.

I am Confident that this News from Chase will bring a Ripple Effect of Change throughout the Banking Sector.

CLICK HERE to Sign the Petition to let Chase know we’re Not Stopping and this is just the Beginning.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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