Friday, September 4, 2020

Building VA Fossil Fuel Pipeline Caused Landslide

The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) would be Larger than the infamous Keystone XL Pipeline. Building it, from Clear Cutting to Excavation and Scouring. will Destroy roughly 4,500 Acres of Land.

The MVP would Harm National Forests, Historic Sites, and Countless Family Farms. It would threaten the Health and Safety of Residents along the Route through Virginia and West Virginia. And it would Add to the Worsening Impacts of Climate Change.

The MVP is Billions of Dollars over Budget, and years behind Schedule. Now, its Corporate Owners EQT Corp. and NexTera Energy, want the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to Extend its Permit by Two years. If FERC Denies the Request to Extend the Permit, the MVP is Done!

This Pipeline would Scale the Mountains, Cut through the Jefferson National Forest, and Cross the Iconic Appalachian Trail. It would Threaten Drinking Water Supplies and Harm Local Communities.

The Existing FERC Permit Expires October 13th, 2020. But FERC isn’t keen on Evaluating Fracked Gas Pipelines on the Objective merits of whether they Hurt People, Communities, and the Climate.

The MVP would be 42 Inches in Diameter and Destroy Wildlife Habitats with its 125-foot Wide Construction Zone. It would move Fracked Gas 300 Miles from Northern West Virginia to the Southside of Virginia.

The MVP presents even Greater Risks due to its Construction along Steep Terrain. It’s already been Linked to a Landslide that Wiped-Out at least One Home, Uprooted Trees, Impacted Waterways, and Progressed to the Point where People were Forced to Leave their Homes.

Landslides are exceptionally Dangerous along Pipeline Routes. In 2019, the Nixon Ridge Pipeline Exploded in Marshall County, West Virginia, as Result of a Landslide. It is quite simple to Visualize, if FERC does Not Stop the MVP, a few years from now, another Landslide could cause an Explosion.

It is time for FERC to Deny the Permit for this Risky Project and Stop it in its Tracks.

CLICK HERE to Take a Stand: Demand FERC Deny the MVP Permit. Stop the Fracking Industry from Harming People and the Planet.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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