Monday, August 17, 2020

Voters in NC Received Absentee Ballot Request Forms from Trump

Given the Crisis facing the United States Postal Service (USPS) before a Presidential Election, the last thing North Carolina Voters expected to receive in the Mail was an Absentee Ballot Request Form from President Trump.

Trump has Criticized Mail-in-Voting for months, baselessly asserting that it will Lead to Voter Fraud. Trump believes Absentee Ballot Request is fine, but States Automatically Mailing Ballots without First Mailing Request Forms is Wrong, and I Agree. This doesn't Affect those States that Vote Only by Mail with No Polling Sites.

States should First send Ballot Request Forms, then use the Undeliverable to Clean their Voter Rolls.

The Trump Campaign said the Mailer shows how it "is working to ensure voters in every state know how their state's sorting system works so that every eligible voter can cast their ballot and have their vote counted," Thea McDonald, Deputy National Press Secretary, said after she was shown the Mailer. "President Trump has consistently and rightly said that where a voter cannot make it to the polls, they should request an absentee ballot," McDonald said. "The President has also correctly distinguished between chaos-ridden universal mail-in voting systems, like the one that led to California's train wreck primary, and traditional absentee mail voting systems, like the tried and true system in North Carolina, a distinction Democrats and many in the mainstream media purposely ignore to sow confusion."

The Mailer was sent out by the North Carolina Republican Party, Press Secretary Tim Wigginton said. The State Party has sent Several Statewide Mailers "to make it easier for interested voters to participate," Wigginton said. "We want our voters to know they can utilize this tool to cast their ballot in an easy, safe and secure manner. It is important to note that the North Carolina system requires a voter to actively solicit a ballot and go through an easy but important verification process to request a ballot," he added. "We along with President Trump oppose an all-mail election process where voters are mailed ballots without a prior request and authentication."

While it is common for Candidates and Political Parties to send Mail to Voters, especially those who Don't have Access to TV or the Internet, Real Facts NC, a Non-Profit dedicated to Researching and Telling the Stories about Issues facing North Carolinians, has never seen a Mailer like this before, Messaging Director, Jazmynne Williams said.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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