Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Trump Reverses and Encourages FL Vote-by-Mail

President Trump, on Tuesday August 4th, encouraged Voters in Florida to Vote-by-Mail, saying the State's Election System is “safe and secure” after weeks of assailing efforts to Expand Mail-In Voting by claiming that it would invite Large-Scale Fraud.

The Remarks are a Reversal for Trump, who has repeatedly suggested that Increased Mail-In-Voting could lead to Voter Fraud, despite a Lack of Evidence that Voter Mailed-In Ballots lead to Criminal Activity. But in fact, the Fraud happens most by Candidates, Their Staff, and Election Officials.

Republicans have grown Worried that Trump’s Attacks on Mail-in-Voting could actually Suppress the GOP Vote in the Upcoming Election. “Whether you call it Vote by Mail or Absentee Voting, in Florida the election system is Safe and Secure, Tried and True,” Trump tweeted. “Florida’s Voting system has been cleaned up (we defeated Democrats attempts at change), so in Florida I encourage all to request a Ballot & Vote by Mail! #MAGA.”

Asked at a Briefing what had Changed Trump’s View, White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, told Reporters the President has often made a Distinction between Absentee Voting and “mass mail-out voting,” the Latter of which she said would lead to Fraud. “He’s been unmistakably clear that when you have this mass mail-out voting like what Nevada wants to do, the consequences are real,” McEnany said.

Trump has Assailed some States that have Expanded Mail-in-Voting. On Monday, he threatened a Legal Challenge to Nevada’s New Law that would Automatically send Mail-In Ballots to Eligible Voters during the Pandemic. Trump has previously threatened Federal Funding to Michigan and Nevada over Efforts to Expand Mail-in-Voting. Both States are Battlegrounds that are run by Democratic Governors.

I agree, that States should First send out Ballot Requests. Then use the Undeliverable Mailing as a Reason to Clean-Up their Voter Rolls, before actually sending out Ballots.

Trump in his tweet appeared to be Referencing last month’s Settlement between Voting Rights Groups and the State of Florida over a Suit in which the Groups sought an Extension to the Deadline for Mail-In Ballots, among other Changes. The Settlement involved the State Pledging to work with County Supervisors to Educate Voters on Vote-by-Mail and Encourage maximum Use of Early Voting days. Both the Voting Rights Groups and the Florida GOP, which had Intervened on Behalf of the State, described the Settlement as a Victory for their Respective Parties.

Florida is an Important Battleground State that Trump Won in 2016. Recent Polls have shown the President Trailing presumptive Democratic Nominee Joe Biden in Florida, including a Quinnipiac Poll released in late July that found Biden with a Double-Digit Lead over the President in the Sunshine State.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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