Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Federal District Court Grants OR's People Not Politicians an Extension to Create Citizens Commission

A Federal District Court issued a Preliminary Order granting Oregon's People Not Politicians, a Broad and Diverse Coalition to:

- Create an Independent Citizens Commission for drawing Oregon's District's maps.

- Relief to Qualify its Redistricting Reform Initiative for the November 2020 Election.

The Judge’s Order allows the Secretary of State to Decide to either Accept People Not Politician’s Signatures as Submitted, or Accept a Reduced Number of Signatures to 58,789 and Allow Additional Time to gather more Signatures until August 17th, 2020.

Judge Michael J. McShane in People Not Politicians v. Secretary of State Clarno Ruled in favor of People Not Politicians which Executed a No-Contact Statewide Signature gathering Campaign in Order to Qualify Initiative Petition 57 (IP 57) for the November 2020 Ballot while Observing Governor Kate Brown’s Stay-at-Home Orders.

Judge McShane found that People Not Politicians exercised “reasonable diligence” in attempting to Qualify for the Ballot, specifically because of the Hard Work that the Campaign did to do Outreach, Build a Broad Coalition, and Plan creatively to Collect Signatures in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Initiative Petition 57, filed in November 2019, would Create the Oregon Citizens Redistricting Commission and put Redistricting in the Hands of Voters, not Politicians. The Commission would consist of 12 Oregonians who Applied and were Selected from Qualified Applicants: Four from the First Largest Political Party, Four from the Second Largest Political Party, and Four Others who are Third Party Members or Independent.

Major Donors to Political Candidates or Parties would Not be Eligible. Neither would Elected-Officials, Political Party Officials or their Family Members. Commissioners would be Selected to Represent the Broad Diversity of Oregonians.


People Not Politicians applaud Secretary of State, Bev Clarno’s Decision, to Allow the Extended Time to Sign Petitions to End Gerrymandering.

The Campaign Submitted over 64,000 Signatures on July 2nd, far Short of the nearly 150,000 Required.

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