Saturday, June 27, 2020

Equal Rights Amendment Update

The Equal Rights Amendment is a Proposed Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Designed to Guarantee Equal Legal Rights for All American Citizens regardless of Sex. It seeks to End the Legal Distinctions between Men and Women in matters of: Employment, Divorce, Property, and other matters.

After years of Attempts to get it Passed, on March 22nd, 1972, the Senate voted by 84 to Eight to send the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the States for Ratification.

When the Senate Vote took place in the mid-to-late afternoon in Washington D.C., it was still Midday in Hawaii. The Hawaii State Senate and House of Representatives Voted their Approval shortly after Noon Hawaii Standard Time, making Hawaii the First State to Ratify the ERA.

Hawaii also Approved an Equal Rights Amendment to its State Constitution that same year. The "Equality of Rights Amendment" has similar Wording to the Proposed Federal ERA of the 1970s.

The ERA needs Three-Quarters of the States, 38 out of 50, for Ratification.

Virginia just Ratified the ERA, becoming the 38th and Final State needed to Officially enshrine Women’s Equality in the Constitution.

But, Republican Attorney Generals are Suing to Block the ERA from being Ratified, and now Trump’s Department of Justice (DOJ) is siding with the Republican AGS.

So Democratic AGs are Uniting to Sue and make sure the ERA is added to the Constitution.

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