Tuesday, June 16, 2020

DNC New Tool to Combat Voter Purges

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) will Roll Out a New Tool aimed at helping Democratic Campaigns and State Parties Contact Voters who have either been Purged from Active Voter Rolls or Marked as Inactive Voters.

The DNC hopes the Program will prove to be a Powerful Tool in the Fight States, in the name of Protecting against Fraudulent Voting, Removing Voters who had either Not Voted Recently or Not Responded to Mailings from the State. The hope is that the more Streamlined Program will make it easier for Campaigns to both realize when a Voter Purge may have happened and Contact the Voters who, possibly unknowingly, may have been Removed.

The Tool, built by the DNC Tech Team, allows Campaigns and State Parties to Visualize Voters who have been Purged or Moved to Inactive and then Export those Names directly with Associated Phone Numbers and Addresses. The Campaigns can then Target those with Calls, Text Messages, and Mail, notifying them that they have either been Purged or marked Inactive, the First Designation towards Purging the Names.

"Our goal is to ensure that all eligible voters can cast a ballot and have that ballot counted. This tool will allow us to detect malicious purge and identify the voters impacted by those activities," said Reyna Walters-Morgan, the DNC's Voter Protection Director. "Time is of the essence to identify those voters who are impacted and get them back on the rolls as soon as possible. And this tool is one thing that will help us with that process." Walters-Morgan said that the Party has found that Younger People and Communities of Color have been the most Impacted by Voter Purges.

Nellwyn Thomas, the Party's Chief Technology Officer and a Former Facebook Employee, said this latest Tool will allow "voter protection teams, data directors and state parties in all 50 states to monitor and track changes to voter files and then reach out to voters who have either been purged or at risk of being kicked off the rolls. We care a lot about data, but the impacts don't matter unless they are resulting in real contact with voters. And nothing is more important than giving people the right to vote, especially with everything we have on the ballot, this cycle."

The DNC has made the Tool Streamlined enough that Staffers without Data Experience can use it and will offer Trainings in the next few weeks.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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