Saturday, June 13, 2020

AK Supreme Court Approves Initiative for a Top-Four System, RCV, and Campaign Finance Disclosure

On June 12th, the Alaska Supreme Court, Unanimously Approved a Proposed 2020 Initiative and does Not Violate the State Constitutional Requirement that Initiatives contain Only a Single Subject.

The Initiative:

- Sets up a Top-Four Primary. Parties would No Longer have Nominees. Instead, Candidates would File as Individuals for the August Primary, for All Partisan Office except President. The Primary's Top-Four Candidates would then be on the November General Election Ballot.

- Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) will be used in the November General Election to pick the Winners.

- Mandates New Disclosure Requirements to Existing Campaign Finance Law.

The State Elections Office had Determined that the Three Elements of the Initiative are Not a “single subject”, but the Court said they are All on the Subject of “Election Reform.”

If the Initiative passes, it will be More difficult for Parties to Remain Ballot-Qualified.

Parties will No Longer have Nominees, so under current laws, Parties will No Longer be able to Remain on the Ballot by Polling 3%+ for Governor, U.S. Senator, or U.S. House.

Instead the Only way they will be able to Remain on the Ballot is by having a Large Number of Registered Voters, 3%+ of the Last Vote.

As of 6/2020, the Only Parties on the Ballot are:

Alaskan Independence - 16,990 2.90%

Democratic - 76,388 13.05%

Republican - 139,510 23.83%

Total All Major and Minor Parties = 585,377 Registered Voters

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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