A Federal Judge, on Monday, allowed a Federal Lawsuit accusing President Trump, his Three Eldest Children, and his Company of Collaborating with a Fraudulent Marketing Scheme to Prey on Investors to Proceed, denying the Trumps' Request for a Stay.
The Suit is being Funded by the Nonprofit, Tesseract Research Center, which has ties to Democratic Candidates.
The Lawsuit, Originally filed in October 2018 and Amended a few months later, Alleges that in Exchange for "Secret" Payments, Trump and Three of his Adult Children: Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka, used his Former Reality TV Show "The Celebrity Apprentice" and other Promotional Events as vehicles to Boost "ACN Opportunity", a Telecommunications Marketing Company, linked to a Nonprofit, that used Trump's Brand to Appeal to Teens.
Trump Family Members and their Family-Owned Business Promoted and Endorsed a Multi-Level Marketing, or Pyramid, Scheme known as ACN Opportunity, LLC. Essentially, the Plaintiffs Claim, ACN was a Classic American “get-rich-quick scheme” that relied on Trump and his Family “conn[ing] each of these victims into giving up hundreds or thousands of dollars.” The Plaintiffs contend that the Trump Family Falsely Endorsed and Promoted ACN by insisting that the Enterprise “offered a reasonable probability of commercial success.” but never indicated the Family was Profiting from their Endorsements.
The Lawsuit also accuses the Trumps of having Profited off the Poor and Vulnerable, as People looking "to enrich themselves by systematically defrauding economically marginalized people looking to invest in their educations, start their own small business, and pursue the American dream."
"Weighing the two 'most critical' factors -- likelihood of success on the merits and irreparable harm -- against each other, any prejudice that Defendants and ACN may suffer from proceeding with the litigation during the pendency of the appeal does not outweigh the strong likelihood that Defendants and ACN will not succeed on appeal," U.S. District Court Judge, Lorna Schofield, wrote in her Opinion.
Four Anonymous Plaintiffs brought the Suit, including what Court Papers describe as a Hospice Caregiver, a Self-Employed Man who was once Homeless, and a Food Delivery Driver.
The Trumps "Deliberately Misled" Consumers about the likely Success of their Investments, the Suit Claims, and Engaged in "a Pattern of Racketeering Activity."
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