Wyoming’s Lands feature the Iconic Rocky Mountain Landscapes of the American West. They provide Habitats to Wildlife like the Greater Sage-Grouse, Mule Deer, Pronghorn Antelope, and Elk. But the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) could allow Big Oil to Transform 170,000 acres of these Pristine Places into Oil and Gas Sites that Poison our Planet and nearby Communities.
This Lease Sale will Impact people and the environment far beyond Wyoming. It will also contribute to the global climate crisis.
But the Sale isn’t Final yet. The BLM is accepting Public Input on its Proposed Lease Sale.
The BLM has already Leased more than 60% of the Lands it Manages, in Wyoming, to Oil and Gas Companies. With this New Lease Sale, it’s further Chipping Away at the already Shrinking Habitat of Endangered Sage Grouse and other Species.
Fossil Fuel Extraction is Dangerous for Local People, too. Extracted Fracking Wastewater can be Radioactive, and its Disposal through Injection Wells has been proven to Increase Earthquakes. Exposure to Fracking is Linked to a Plethora of Health Issues, from Heart Problems to Childhood Leukemia.
What’s more, the BLM’s Decision to move forward with the Lease Sale during a Global Pandemic, Cuts the People most Impacted out of the Decision-Making Process. The only way for Locals to Oppose the Lease Sale is to Comment Online, but Wyoming Ranks 46th for Broadband Internet Access in the Country. And only about Half of the Indigenous People in Wyoming have Access to Broadband Connection, meaning the BLM is effectively Silencing their Voices.
There is No way the BLM can Accurately Gauge Public Opinion on the Proposed Sale during this Crisis. Its Only Option is to Delay or Cancel the Lease Sale.
This Proposed Sale comes at a time where we have less than 10 years to Avert Climate Catastrophe. The only way we can do that is by keeping Fossil Fuels in the Ground. And with Renewable Energy Cheaper and more Efficient than ever before, there is No Excuse for Leasing Public Lands rather than Transitioning to just, Clean Renewable Energy.
The BLM has the Power to put People and Wildlife First and Protect Wyoming’s Sensitive Landscapes from Oil and Gas Activity. It certainly has the Power to Delay Lease Sales until after the Pandemic is Over. But it will only Act if they feel Pressure from People.
Take Action: Demand the BLM Cancel the Proposed Lease Sales in Wyoming!
NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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